New Beginnings

So, remember my last post, the Apartment Haunting? Well, I lucked out. I finally found a place. In fact, I’m moving in tomorrow. I know, right? I can’t even fathom the idea of moving AGAIN.

It seems like every year, I move :

2005 - Fernley to Fallon
2006 - Fallon to Vancouver, WA
2007 - Vancouver, WA back to Fallon
2008 - Fallon to Fallon

The most ironic part is I hate moving! I hate putting stuff in boxes, lifting them, then unpacking them… the whole thing drives me nutters! And not to mention the mess and cleaning up.
But I think this move is going to be different. It’s a BIG move. Couldn’t it be sooo classic that the big “move” I’m going to make would be right here in Fallon?

I know, I know, I’m pretty vague. I’d like to keep it that way, what you see is what you get.

Also, I’m excited. For new beginnings, a whole new chapter of my life. Now, if I could just get the same “excitement” for tomorrow, life will be totally awesome. Or not.

1 comment(s):

Andrea said...

I love new beginnings. I felt the same when I was moving from the town I'd lived in my entire life to Fallon. But I find I like my here so much more than I did in Carson. I've lived life more here then I did in ten years in Carson.

If I hadn't of moved here I never would have met you! And that thought scares me. I can't imagine life without you!!!