Today, somebody turns...

True that!

"Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive shit"

I can't sleep...

It's past midnight and I'm wide awake. I have work tomorrow and I'm pretty sure my eyes will be as puffy as it with allergies, if not worse.

For the life of me, I cannot sleep.

I'm getting stressed out. Planning a trip to Vegas, the prospect of moving to a new place, plus I'm getting my new vintage car (fancy way of describing a second-hand car) plus the insurance, paying rent for two places (since there will be an overlap), trying to get myself a well-deserved long-lasting birthday present and making sure that I'll have an awesome time for my birthday getaway...

I feel like I'm the only one working too hard on this. Planning, spending, making sure the reservations are made so I can score a good deal...

I'm getting exhausted.
I'm beginning to feel like I'm the only one who wants this.

Maybe I should just consider staying in town and forget about this whole thing.
It's just another year anyway...




I make wish lists every year, just because I like to indulge myself into thinking that I might be getting anything from it.

Here it goes...

  • A nice dinner somewhere - Seafood. I love seafood. It doesn't matter if it's my birthday or not, I'm always wanting a seafood dinner. lol
  • Good conversations with good company - sometimes, I feel like all I've been whining, complaining and worrying too much. I'd like to have some nice conversations with my good friends back home. I'd like to laugh with them and take things light.
  • A getaway - Las Vegas or San Francisco? I'm thinking Vegas is winning.
  • A full-body massage - enough said.
  • Adobe Photoshop Elements - this brings out the geek in me. I'd like to have a full version in my laptop and not having to worry about my trial expiring. I have the Photoshop CS in my other laptop, but then it leaves my poor old laptop gasping for breath.

And I would like for myself to get one or two of the following:

And for my totally unrealistic but I'm going to make it happen somehow-someday wish:

  • A Louis Vuitton Purse!!! Seriously, this is the Holy Grail for me! I'm debating which one I liked more. And yes, I'm crazy about the wallet. I am always crazy for wallets.

Understand that all of these are just wishlist. Just like you wish you can travel to Europe for under $20, that kind of wishful thinking. :) But really, I'm getting one of these puppies that I posted here. Somehow, I want to reward myself for being a corporate slave. Lol. And being April, what a good way to reward yourself than to buy a good quality but break your bank purse! Lol.

Kidding aside, I really don't want a lot for my birthday. I just want a relaxing day with my man, a real nice dinner and some laughter. :)

Las Vegas or San Francisco????

  • It's been a while since I last blogged. I think I'm really good at breaking my blogging promises. I lurk on people's blogs though. I try to keep up but I'm just not good in leaving comments. Sowee.
  • I need to put my birthday wishlist some time soon. I only have seven more days to put it out to the world and for Santa to hear me out. lol. Christmas on April, that's heaven for me.
  • I am still not done with the blogging layout dilemma.
  • Also, I need to plan where I want to go for my 25th birthday. Seriously, it's not like you turn 25 every year. That's quarter of a century. That's a big deal. :-p
  • I'm thinking of either going to Las Vegas or San Francisco. Le Boyfriend hasn't been in either places.

So I'm making a poll. You, whoever is reading this, will have to summon whatever will power you have to click on comment and leave an answer. (Pretttyyy pllllleaaseee...?)

(If you're over 25, pretend like you're turning 25. if you're not close to being 25, still pretend you're turning 25 *wink*)

Where would you want to go on your 25th birthday, Las Vegas or San Francisco?

They can all kiss my ass!

I’ve been called fat to my face 5 times in one month by some acquaintances, all of them Filipinas. No, I’m not kidding. True story.

The fifth time happened today with one of our dietary aides at work, as I was clocking out for my lunch break.

Here’s the flow of our conversation:

Me: Hey, do you know if the commissary has big bags of brown rice? I recently
switched and was wondering if they have bigger ones compared to WalMart’s.

Her: Oh. Hey, you look like you’re losing weight.

Me: What? Are you sure?

Her: No, actually, it’s the opposite. You’re gaining weight. Your face is getting rounder. What are you doing to your body?

Me: *awkward smile, shrug and silence*

At that moment, I didn’t know what to say, how to react, or which part of her face I want to punch. I was caught off guard and didn’t realize what she was saying or WHY she feels the need to say it.

A minute or two afterwards, profanities were swarming in my thoughts. There were so many things I want to say to her. Cuss her out in four different languages. Give her a snap wicked comeback. But I chose not to. What good does it do anyway? It will only escalate an already bad situation.

And honestly, I’m too fed up to even deal with it. It’s the 5th time and the hurt is no worse from the first.

Even if I cry. Even if I scream. Even if I starve myself, those kind of people will always find some negative things to say just because they're bitches like that.

I understand that I’m not as skinny as Kate Moss nor do I want to be that way. I understand that weight gain is one of my concerns right now. What I don’t understand is why you have to say it to my face in the rudest way possible.

I do not understand why people do it because I could not fathom what kind of person they are for them to put down other people? Why does it matter? What are their intentions?

And no, just because we both came from the same country and there might be a tad bit of familiarity, it does NOT give them any right to do that to me. I accept constructive criticism, by all means, they’re all welcome. What I don’t accept are mean comments that absolutely has no point whatsoever.

My mom taught me better, “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything”.

Theirs should have too.

Being grown up sucks sometimes...

because of such term called responsibilities and bills. The irony of getting a paycheck is just it's waiting to be spent.

Well, at least rent and bills are paid. I don't have that hanging over my head but my checking account is nearing bone dry

Normally, I would have freaked out over this. I'm really good and disciplined with my finances and have been able to save despite a minimal income.

Lately though, I've been trying to squeeze everything in and not having been able to save anything.

The boyfriend and I are planning a trip to the Philippines next year so he could meet my family. The idea is so exciting, the reality is I have to start saving for that trip. It's not exactly cheap.

Plus, we'll be going to Wisconsin this year to visit his family and he won't take no for answer. So I'm going. That's going to be another pay cut because I won't be at work, obviously.


I know this is not blogging etiquette at its finest. It was my personal vow not to divulge or blog anything about my finances.

But my worries and my silent freaking out moments are clouding my mind and I don't want the boyfriend to hear about it.

I'm sure he's had enough of it, so here I am venting it all out in my lonely space on cyberspace.

Like I said, being grown up sucks sometimes...

One of the gazillion reasons why he rocks!

I cannot decide!!!

I'm thinking of switching to Wordpress because I have a Wordpress app on my iTouch. Lame, I know. But when I'm at work, I'd have this "This needs to be blogged" moment and for some reason by the time I get myself to write it all down, it'd completely slip my mind.

On the other hand, I'm still working on redesigning this blog. It might encourage me to blog more often.

I swear, I need a creative outlet. My mind is full of ideas but my laziness is getting the best of me.