bits and pieces

  • Stress is killing me with juggling two jobs plus getting my ass chewed left and right. It's not so much as the two jobs, as it is with the schedule and time management. I know I'll get through this. But this emotional upheaval that I'm going through does not help. at. all.
  • I realize how much I hate hypocrites every time I see one. Case in point, whenever I get the "pleasure and horror" of working with this certain workmate, it drains all the energy out of me to try to be nice to her. After I've been thrown under the bus by her, I can't help but feel repulsive. She does not know that I am aware of what she did, but she is so fuckin' fake. Acting all sweet and nice. Ugh.
  • I've been an emotional wreck lately. I wish I could elaborate on this... maybe in time I will.

peace out

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