a new toy

I've been wanting to get myself one and finally, I bought myself an iPod Touch.

I can say it's pretty worth the money. The hitch? Well, my iTunes version is SO caveman era, I think it's 4.5 or something. It came with my laptop which is 3 years old. God knows how many updates Apple did since then.

Of course, I could always download the latest version which is iTunes 8.something. Another hitch? My internet connection is SO slow, a snail crawling on a chunky peanut butter would win the race. Yes, that slow.

My only solution is to bring my laptop and the iPod Touch to work. Make this shit work during my lunch of break.

I'm crossing my fingers that it works.

For now, night night my few lovely readers! :)

peace out

2 comment(s):

refenoveso said...

it's definitely worth it. download all the free apps that you want hehe, its fun to use:-) enjoy!

Anonymous said...

YAY! :) I hope you got it to work!