The one where I had to kiss a dummy!

Yesterday, we had our First Aid/CPR training from the American Red Cross. It was quite informative and I learned so many things.
Also, I never realized that I have the capability to be human enough to function after only 3 hours of sleep and to sit there for hours and hours listening to all those First responder blah blah’s.

I could not get pass the graphic images of people losing fingers and other body parts and oh, the lacerations too! How am I supposed to proceed on studying Nursing if I can’t even stop myself from cringing at the sight of those images on printed paper!!

The worst part was doing the CPR on the dummies. I was shaking, palpitating and felt like I saying “screw this whole thing, I’d rather fail this than give CPR to that limbless, lifeless, creepiest piece of rubber and plastic!”.

"Pimp in distress! Pimp in distress!" LOL!

But then, I got over it and passed!
Yeah, this entry is as boring as my day was yesterday. Blah.

The end. =)


It's been a while now since the last time I tried taking photographs. I mean, I've taken quite a few, out of vanity-sake or just for giggles. But I haven't taken it to heart, like I used to. 
After the subtle change in my life, I stopped taking photos. Photos of the beautiful things I see day by day. I can still spot angles and such but I've never even thought of taking snapshots of it. Why? Well, I felt like I'm too unmotivated.

It's always been at the back of my head to "one of these days, give it another try". Today, I finally did it.
I and the husbandry went for a drive towards the reservation and out on the countryside and took photos with my point and shoot cam. It's not so good as I expect it to be, it was windy and I missed the natural light period, you know, that glow close to sunset? yeah, that one.

Anyway, I have been into Polaroid effects lately so I've decided to turn these into Polaroids since they look better that way.

 This shot reminds me of the movie "Time Traveler's Wife".
I feel like a time traveler will soon appear from behind those trees.

I like this shot =)

Twigs and trees around the reservation.

I'll carry my point and shoot my camera in my purse and my DSLR in my car. Hopefully, I can keep up with this from now on.

hello old blog

I've been trying to access my other blog, one which I planned on really using for realsies. but for some reason, I can't figure out which email address I used for that sucker. Ugh!

So here I am again...

I realized that I really need to blog more often. It's my outlet. Twitter is not enough. Sure, I ramble a lot there, but blogging is more like a free flowing expression of things that I keep to myself because I have nobody to talk to (D isn't really into the whole "girly expression" thingy).

So here's hoping that I'll be able to keep up with blogging again, I know I could, just plain lazy sometimes.