Can I go as a Couch Potato?

yeah, that title is pretty lame, but oh well...

So it's almost Halloween. Now that I've moved in town with real neighbors, it will be my first Halloween experience ever. I know, pathetic, right? See, since I got here in the US, I've lived in a farm house, kinda outside of town and who the heck would want to go trick or treating there?

I got a problem though, that evening, I work at Starbucks untils 9:45 pm! Meaning, I will miss all those kids walking around in costumes, asking for candies and all that Halloween stuff.

What I have in mind right now is find somebody who could cover my shift. I hope somebody can. Although, I'm doubting it just because it's Halloween and people have costume parties to go to.

David and I already got candies. Except, we have been "slowly attacking" them already.

We'll see if the candies make it until Friday.

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Oooh! I wish trick or treating was part of the culture here. But alas it's not. So I'm going to rent some scary movies and spend the night in with J. I hope you get someone to cover for you!