What's the next worst thing that could happen after this?

Yesterday was a disaster at work.

I showed up 3 minutes before 8:00 am. As Ger and I were pulling in, I thought, "Hmmm, it's quite mellow for a Saturday. Usually, Saturday is our busiest day".

I got out of the car and I saw two of my co baristas yelling from the parking lot. Then I saw the newspaper still lying by the door.

It dawned on me, "Oh shit! We haven't opened it!".

Apparently, one of our shift supervisor -- who was supposed to open this morning, did not show up for work. My poor workmates, two of them, have been sitting in the parking lot since 5:00 am! Freakin' 3 hours!!!

They reached the opening shift supervisor but he said he's sick, his head is in the toilet and can't come to work. Just like that. He didn't even sound worried, concerned or whatsoever. One of my workmates practically begged him to come so he could open the store and he said, he is not coming.

How inconsiderate! How irresponsible! Que horror!

They've called all the other shift supervisors and nobody is picking up their phones. They tried our new store manager, her phone was off too.

It's already complicated and crazy because we are short staffed. We only have 3 shift supervisors, one just had a surgery. The other one, was supposed to leave for Arizona to see her dying grandmother, and that opening shift supervisor. Plus our new store manager.

It was chaos.

There were customers who were not happy about it.

You could see the disappointed look on their face. I tell you, coffee fix is worst than coke. You HAVE to have it, otherwise, your day isn't going to be complete or won't even begin. Ask Ger.

Anyway, we called Corporate, filed a report and went home.

I mean, what's the use of sitting in the parking lot waiting for nobody?

Ger, being as brilliant as he is (surprisingly, even before he had his coffee), called the Starbucks Fernley store. Our new manager used to work there and perhaps they might have another contact number for her.

Thank Goodness, after about less than an hour, I got a phone call saying that finally the store was open. Our store manager got the phone call from Fernley.

What happened was our old store manager gave us the wrong number. No wonder we could not contact her.

We opened at 9:00 am. Our customers who were there earlier, came back to still get their coffee from us.

I could feel the stress, the tension and the disaster of what that irresponsible shift supervisor did. We were all psyched out.

Thankfully, I made it the entire shift.

peace out

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

That is so irresponsible!!! That supervisor should get reprimanded!!