
and I'm still awake. I can't seem to go to sleep.

Things have been pretty stressful at home lately. It sucks. Really. I hate stress. I mean, who does like it anyway? It's like a monkey weighing on my back.

Also, I've concluded that I'm returning my new Dell notebook and will try another brand, simply because it sucks. For a seven-hundred-fifty-dollar notebook, the least it could do is to connect to WiFi internet, but no. My Compaq seems to do the job way faster and way better.

Finally, I got my desk and the house has been rearranged. It just can't shake off the feeling of stress and discomfort.

Sometimes, I long for solitude. I long for living on my own, like I used to when I was in Vancouver, WA. The private space. The silence. The ability to do things on my own accord and my own time seems so precious.

Maybe in time. Maybe not. Maybe it's just PMS talking.

Or maybe, I should just get some good night sleep.

peace out

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

I find that sleep always helps. If not maybe a littel alochol and some chocolates. ;)