
Supposedly, this is going to be lucky day.

My day has been weird, tad unlucky and I've never been so disorganized as today.

I woke up rushing to the bank because I have less than 45 minutes to get in there, have them reactivate my banking card, before they close the branch office for good.

And then, we were at the DMV and I was about to take the driving written test when the power went down!

We came home and had to absorb a lot of family drama, nothing between me and Ger though.

How was your 08.08.08?

3 comment(s):

h. said...

disappointing. tried to get a pass to visit uncle sam but were told not this time. such is life, i guess, we donated around $400 to him.

Anonymous said...

oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

You could always try again, right? Like after 6 months?

Anonymous said...

It was my sisters birthday. Although I only saw her for a few minutes. *sigh* Other than that my day was quiet. Sorry to hear yours was icky!!