busy busy busy

I have another hour here... after that, I'm off to Starbucks to work...

I just realized that I have no life. Sad, isn't it?

Oh well... At least for now, I'm readjusting to my new job. It's not really difficult. I work at a front desk, manning the phone lines, at the same time doing a bit of filing and HR stuff... All in all, it's an awesome job. I'm loving it.

Also, I've been meeting more Filipinos here. They're quite older than me, but you can sense the familiarity though. I guess, that's how Filipinos are when they're together in a foreign land (that's until they get catty *lol*).

It's a breathe of fresh air to talk in Tagalog or Cebuano. Man, it's been almost 6 months since I've conversed with my own dialect.

Also, juggling two jobs isn't as hard as it seems. My schedule is a bit predictable now and more stable. There are occassional glitches with Starbucks' schedule but nothing that can't be fixed.

Oh, I just realized that I'm pretty soft spoken. Hahaha. A coworker of mine pointed it out. (Not that it matters though)

Peace out folks! I'm outta here in an hour. :)

peace out

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Isn't it wonderful to be able to speak two languages? I love it. I speak English and Afrikaans fluently. I wish I knew more languages!