Christmas in August

So I got a new Dell Laptop and a new digital camera. I'm due for both, anyway.

I'm super stoked about it.

But one thing is pissing me off and that is getting used to Windows Vista. It's a pain in the butt.

Also, I can't seem to make Firefox 3 work. Is it just my computer? Or won't Firefox 3 work on Vista?


peace out

4 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

I have no advise as I've never used vista. Sorry!

But I am so excited for you! I love new gadgets. :)

{April} said...

That's okay. :)


If I could just figure this out, I'd be the happiest girl.

h. said...

can you switch back to xp? i've never used vista and don't want to in any case.

{April} said...

if I switch to XP, I'd void my warranty. :(

And I can't find any notebooks that have XP as their OS anymore. :(