don't judge me

I've been thinking again, about this whole W thing. I know it's just a silly infatuation. A high school-ish crush of some sort.

All I want is to be happy, to be giddy, to feel butterflies in my stomach. You know that irresistable feeling that makes you smile. That's what I want. And thankfully, he has provided that. It makes my days exciting. Not to mention the days are limited. They're only here until middle of September. So, I'm maximizing all the "crush" fix I can have.

You might think I'm to shallow. Indeed, I am. But so what? Haven't you been once here? Haven't you had the same feeling? If not, well, you totally missed out on a lot.

I've never ever felt this way for such a long time. The last time was so long ago... Like back on my 3rd year in college. Back when somebody really made my days brighter, sunnier and makes my stomach do full sommersault.

So I'm trying to cherish all these fleeting moments and fleeting emotions... I know it's nothing permanent.

All the pain, frustration and disappointment are, for now, at the back burner.

There are lots of crazy things going in my life right now, but this giddy feeling at the sight of him makes me believe that I still have the reason to be happy and smile.

peace out

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