Thursday 13

Thirteen Things about APRiL

1. This is my very first Thursday 13 post.

2. I am INSANELY addicted to Law and Order (Special Victims Unit & Criminal Intent)

3. Ever since childhood, I've always wondered what it's like to be a cop and secretly wanted to be one. (Most of my uncles are cops/in the military and lately, my cousin too.)

4. I never liked coffee, I only drink coffee during rare circumstance such as when I need to avoid getting fired from work (i.e. sleeping while on the job *lol*)

5. I never thought I'd be "coffee tasting" in my entire lifetime.

6. Insanely, I am now working for a coffee shop as a barista.

7. Barista makes coffee and frapps while Bartenders do the "whole juggling the bottle while make an alcoholic drink" thing.

8. I love chocolates but lately, every time I take my first bite, I always end up sneezing.

9. I don't want to entertain the slightest idea that I may be allergic to chocolate.

10. Or I may be in denial.

11. It's 5am and I'm still blogging.

12. Well, I was really watching Law and Order.

13. Then I realized it's Thursday and I wanted to jump in to the Thursday 13 bandwagon, so here it is. :)

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

2 comment(s):

Melanie said...

Welcome to TT. It's such a fun daily meme.

I love coffee but I think we can still be bloggy friends even if you don't.

Our Happy Happenings

Anonymous said...

Hi Melanie! :)

So great to see you stop by :)

I am now in a slowly but surely courtship stage with coffee ;)

and yes, we can be bloggy friends either way :)

so nice meeting you.