They can all kiss my ass!

I’ve been called fat to my face 5 times in one month by some acquaintances, all of them Filipinas. No, I’m not kidding. True story.

The fifth time happened today with one of our dietary aides at work, as I was clocking out for my lunch break.

Here’s the flow of our conversation:

Me: Hey, do you know if the commissary has big bags of brown rice? I recently
switched and was wondering if they have bigger ones compared to WalMart’s.

Her: Oh. Hey, you look like you’re losing weight.

Me: What? Are you sure?

Her: No, actually, it’s the opposite. You’re gaining weight. Your face is getting rounder. What are you doing to your body?

Me: *awkward smile, shrug and silence*

At that moment, I didn’t know what to say, how to react, or which part of her face I want to punch. I was caught off guard and didn’t realize what she was saying or WHY she feels the need to say it.

A minute or two afterwards, profanities were swarming in my thoughts. There were so many things I want to say to her. Cuss her out in four different languages. Give her a snap wicked comeback. But I chose not to. What good does it do anyway? It will only escalate an already bad situation.

And honestly, I’m too fed up to even deal with it. It’s the 5th time and the hurt is no worse from the first.

Even if I cry. Even if I scream. Even if I starve myself, those kind of people will always find some negative things to say just because they're bitches like that.

I understand that I’m not as skinny as Kate Moss nor do I want to be that way. I understand that weight gain is one of my concerns right now. What I don’t understand is why you have to say it to my face in the rudest way possible.

I do not understand why people do it because I could not fathom what kind of person they are for them to put down other people? Why does it matter? What are their intentions?

And no, just because we both came from the same country and there might be a tad bit of familiarity, it does NOT give them any right to do that to me. I accept constructive criticism, by all means, they’re all welcome. What I don’t accept are mean comments that absolutely has no point whatsoever.

My mom taught me better, “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything”.

Theirs should have too.

2 comment(s):

Andrea said...

I can't believe people!!! Don't let them get to you. Most likely they are jealous of you. Who wouldn't be? You are freakin' beautiful. And don't let anyone tell you differently.

Love ya forever!!!


Anonymous said...

OMG. I would be PISSED too! Don't listen to the bad things people say because most likely they say it to hurt and not because it's true.
