Las Vegas or San Francisco????

  • It's been a while since I last blogged. I think I'm really good at breaking my blogging promises. I lurk on people's blogs though. I try to keep up but I'm just not good in leaving comments. Sowee.
  • I need to put my birthday wishlist some time soon. I only have seven more days to put it out to the world and for Santa to hear me out. lol. Christmas on April, that's heaven for me.
  • I am still not done with the blogging layout dilemma.
  • Also, I need to plan where I want to go for my 25th birthday. Seriously, it's not like you turn 25 every year. That's quarter of a century. That's a big deal. :-p
  • I'm thinking of either going to Las Vegas or San Francisco. Le Boyfriend hasn't been in either places.

So I'm making a poll. You, whoever is reading this, will have to summon whatever will power you have to click on comment and leave an answer. (Pretttyyy pllllleaaseee...?)

(If you're over 25, pretend like you're turning 25. if you're not close to being 25, still pretend you're turning 25 *wink*)

Where would you want to go on your 25th birthday, Las Vegas or San Francisco?

3 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

sa vegas :) permi ko basa sa imo blogs ;) -CAgirl

Andrea said...

I would say San Francisco. The ocean, beautiful buildings, SOURDOUGH BREAD, cable cars. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

I've never been to either (obv) but if I had to choose, I'd go to Las Vegas. :)