
See, I've been hooked(that's an understatement) addicted to Law and Order: SVU. It's been more than a year since I've been watching the show. When I was in Washington, I'd catch it via USA channel, they'd have marathon episodes on the weekends and I never missed a single episode.

Netflix is a blessing, they have it in their instant shows, so I could watch it anytime and ALL the time.

I love the flow of the story, how realistic the story line is. It also educates me more about the laws and constitution of the United States.

And I got smitten by this cute Asian-American guy who plays a soft-spoken FBI agent who is also a psychiatrist, Dr. George Huang, played by a Tony award winner actor B.D. Wong.

I've always have a thing for cute guys with epicathic eyes (that's Chinese eyes, for you). He is so attractive. Plus his character is very soft-spoken so compassionate yet very intelligent. Just when I thought I'd fall in love again (lol). I checked out his biography on the web and found out my guy is openly gay.

He never strike me as one. There goes my broken heart. But I still love him anyway.

Can you blame me?!?! Tsk.. tsk.. tsk.. Damn all these beautiful gays.

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