So, I was making an Iced Venti Green Tea Latte for a customer.
I forgot how to mark the cup so I looked it up on our beverage flash cards and while I was at it, I also looked up the step on how to make it because I knew I already looked it up once before and I just had to verify. (that's the OCD in me)
As I was on the very last part of making the drink, which is putting the matcha powder in the cup, a dearly beloved workmate tried to grab the cup from my hand saying, "No. That's not how you do it!".
In front of the customer!!!
I know I was on the right so I didn't give her the drink, told her that I know this is how you make it the Starbucks way, and told her to read the goddamn manual.
Ha! That set her straight. She didn't say anything after that.
See, it's one thing for her to correct me, but it's another thing for her to appear like she knows everything WITHOUT really knowing everything. What makes the matter worst is when she does it in front of the customer, for crying out loud.
And what's up with you grabbing the drink away from my hand?!??
What do you think I am, a 4-year old?!?!?! Hellooooooo!!!!
And this isn't the first time she did this to me.
The first time was when a customer ordered a Venti Vanilla Bean Frappuccino, Affogato style. Yes, I remember it because of the horrible thing she did to me.
As she was handing out the drink to the customers, they said they wanted it Affogato style, meaning, the shots aren't supposed to be blended.
You know what she did? She told them, "Oh she didn't know, she's still new" (meaning me, of course).
I stood there, with this thought racing in my head, "WTF?!?! I didn't make the drinks, you did. How dare you put the blame on me just because I'm new?????".
And the second time was when she was on the drive through handing out a drink to the customer, while I was on the front counter making a tea for another customer.
You know what she did? She poked her nose on my business directing me across the counter to put two tea bags in the cup. I told her, yes it's two tea bags and yes, I know.
I mean, doesn't she know that I went through the same training as she did? No, she wasn't being helpful at all, because once again, she was throwing out stupid instructions in front of the customers, making it appear like I'm so stupid.
The third time happened today, prior to the Green Tea incident. I was on my break. I wanted to get me some Tall Blended Lemonade.
Seriously, you should try it, it's insanely addicting.
Anyway, she asked me, "So, how do you say it?". She meant, the proper drink call. I replied, "Uh, Tall Blended Lemonade.". I was so tempted to say, "Duh." but I held back.
She said, "No. It's Blended Lemonade Creme".
I was like, "No, it isn't".
She insisted, "You fill it with lemonade and cream base".
I nearly laugh, "Oh no, you don't. That would probably taste like crap!!!".
Then here's the most hilarious part, "Oh well, I've seen OTHER people do it with cream base. I've seen them do it yesterday".
Another workmate of mine then said, "Maybe those people you thought you've seen adding cream base to it, were NOT really adding cream base to it".
Silence. She shut up. Finally.
And I just couldn't resist to point out her booboo, so I said, "Oh, please use the Non Dairy pitcher to avoid cross contamination". And thank God, she did without any further argument.
Honestly, I really don't know if she's just overcompensating. Or over micro-managing. Or doesn't trust me at all, because I've only been working 4 months. Or she's just an insufferable know-it-all. Or she just wants everybody to know that she knows everything and she's in charge but I don't care.
I can't stand your style of coaching or reinforcing information. It's NOT cool at all. I've seen other supervisors do it in a very subtle and not offensive way. Take a page from their book.
If you see me doing something wrong, pull me aside, let me know and I'll thank you.
Don't engage me in public. Don't humiliate me, because chances are, it's going back on you.
I mean, specially, if you really don't know what you're doing.
Romanticize Your Home
1 week ago
4 comment(s):
ka buang gd ana nya dear? ka maayo ra tamparuson..hehehe last nlang na sya hap!hehe
ka pisikal nasad nimo oi.
hahaha! a good way to tell miss know it all filipinos have brains more than they do. She's freaking jealous of you girl! let her drool,let her feel your wrath let her see the april in you...that bonifacio rizal aguinaldo blood in your veins!lol
way to go pril! no one has the right to belittle you.
I know I'm reading older posts but these are funny. Good for you for not going off on her anytime. I probably would have. I mean how rude. I liked your blog after this too. :)
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