FRAUDULENT CHARGES in my bank account!!!
It's scary, worrisome, such a big fuckin' hassle! It's pissin' me off.
As if life isn't complicated enough as it is.
Whoever took my money and got a membership with this website, a freakin' adult website community, should burn in hell!!!
worst than moving, tax or dying..
I guess I had him at hello
Here's the scenario when I just got to work today.
phone rings
Court: "(standard phone spiel)... Yes, she is in. Hold on one second."
hands the phone to me
Me: "For me?" (with a puzzled look)
Court: "Yes. I think it's Ger."
Me: (more puzzled look) "Hello? (no answer) Hello? (click)"
Me: "Court, who was it? He pretty much hang up on me."
Court: "Oh, I thought it was Ger. He said, "Hi Courtney, is April in today?". So I handed the phone to you."
Me: "That was not Ger, he just dropped me off on his way to a meeting. He doesn't have a cellphone because I have it and he doesn't call here. He doesn't even KNOW the number here."
The entire thing is so creepy and puzzling for me. Who would call Starbucks and ask if I'm in? I've NEVER ever had anybody called me at work.
I asked Ger and he said he didn't call. I was so sure he wasn't the one who called because:
a. he does not even know my work phone number
b. he calls me on the cell phone, like he always does
c. asking me if I was at work? umm, he just dropped me off at work!
So now, I'm entirely curious who is it and WHY?
I sure hope this isn't a budding stalker. (like that's going to happen)
the BEST day EVER!
*insert sarcasm somewhere*
I am not going to play with words. Straight to the point. Here it goes....
I worked for 8 hours with my pants ripped apart starting from my crotch to my right thigh!!!
For fuckin' straight eight hours!!!
I noticed it half way my shift after I went to the bathroom and I just gasped while saying "OH SHIT!".
I don't care if this entry is so trash mouthed.
I just need to vent out what happened and how I freakin' survived it for 8 hours with unintentionally flashing customers or scaring them away!
What's pretty amazing is that it's the perfect rip because you can't tell if you're looking at my behind.
Thank God for long green aprons.
Be careful what you wish for...
Seriously. Because I'm in a predicament right now.
It's been a month ago when I was in the midst of panic, alarm, depression because I have been submitting job applications elsewhere and haven't heard anything from any of them.
Well, except for one, it's an adult facility here in town. I applied for part time receptionist, had an interview, surprisingly came out of it with another job offer, they wanted me to be a coordinator for a special care unit. I was up for it, it's a big task, a daunting one, but there's nothing I can't learn to do really, with proper training.
Weeks had passed, I haven't heard from them. I called for follow up and they told me that they're waiting until their "numbers" reach a certain point and they'll call me then (meaning, they're in need of few more patients).
Honestly, I just kind of gave up on it. So I went about looking for jobs, I landed an offer from the preschool that I used to teach at.
The starting pay is okay. They are aware of my part time job as a barista and are willing to work around my schedule. I was supposed to start on August 11th.
For some reason, as if a page is ripped out of a certain twisting plot novel, the assistant administrator of the adult facility walked in at Starbucks with me doing the front register.
We had a chit chat and she asked me if I received a call from them, I said I did not. She told me to call her because she has some information for me regarding the job I applied for.
To make the long story short, they want me for the receptionist job, full time with $400 a month difference from the pay that the preschool is offering.
I, of course, grabbed the opportunity. I will be starting come 19th of August.
Now, my problem is how do I break it to the preschool administrator. She has high hopes and is excited to have me back. Heck, she even had me on their newsletter even BEFORE I came in to see her.
Ger has been telling me not to be so umm... "personal" about this. He says that if the shoe is on the other foot, there would be no questions for taking the bigger opportunity.
I know all I need to do is to tell her and be honest.
Easier said than done. For some reason, I really feel bad. I don't want her to be disappointed and I don't want her to think I'm just using the preschool as a last resort for job opportunities.
Also, she will be on vacation first week of August, so she needs to find a replacement FAST. I really hate to do that to her.
Later today, Monday, is the day that I will be calling her back breaking the news.
Wish me luck.
On the other note, my. tooth. hurts. like. total. shit.
A filling in my tooth came off I wanted to kick that dentist's ass for charging me so much money and for doing such a crappy job. Too bad, he's half way across the globe.
Dear T-Mobile,
You don't know how much frustrated I am with you.
I seriously think our relationship is turning sour getting bitter.
I did not even see it coming.
I was thinking that our relationship will flourish more after I signed up for T-Zones, it made me so much happy because I can browse online while I'm on break from work, plus I get to talk to my friends through Yahoo Messenger.
Oh, that made me want to stick with you even more.
But it only took one phone call with one of your representatives to turn things around. Things began to unravel at a rapid pace after the said phone call.
Initially, I was calling for my Partner Discount from Starbucks, but the representative caught me by surprise when she nonchalantly informed me of my balance due this August 11th.
One ugly surprise. As ugly as a $300 bill coming my way.
I think I asked her "Are you serious?" & "Are you kidding me?" about 20 times, just to be sure, and she answered me "No, I'm not kidding" & "Yes, I am serious" 20 times as well.
You had me in tears (out of frustration and anger) when I realized that it was all because of Yahoo Messenger.
Apparently, every message sent and received through Yahoo Messenger is considered a "text message" and is charged as one.
How come nobody informed me that when I signed up for TZones? When I called up to find out more about TZones, I was informed that I can pretty much use the internet and instant messenger feature no problem.
Now, how do you expect me to pay for something that wasn't clearly conveyed to me when I talked to your representatives about "fine prints".
How much I used to want to stick with you before is how much I am repulsed of you now.
You have disappointed me so much that I think this is the end of the road for us.
Unfortunately, I will NOT be paying you the $300. That's ridiculous. I'd rather spend that on groceries and gas, which matters most.
Not a whole lot to say (without using a bunch of asterisks),
Strange Day.
Today is a very strange day, like those ones you saw in the movies, where it was once sunny and then all of the sudden, the sky turns dark and King Kong dances the Macarena. lol.
Kidding aside, I was at work when my manager advised us to take inside the umbrellas out on the patio because there is a thunderstorm coming.
Then, came the TORNADO WARNING for Churchill county.
Pretty soon, customers coming in were talking about the tornado warning as well. Most of them were quite surprised to hear it. Because it's in Fallon, Nevada. Who would even think about that? Seriously.
Plus, nobody has basements here.
Well, maybe some, like where I live, it's a 1940's farm house and we have a really cool, spacey basement. But it was a moot point because I was AT WORK and not at home if and when the tornado comes.
My workmates and I were already devising a clever plan on where to hide, if the tornado hits. Walk In Freezer. I know, brilliant, right? Our green aprons will keep us warm too. ; )
The clouds were really scary and nasty. It was really strange for Fallon to get that tornado warning, but honestly, it wasn't impossible, all it needs is the "perfect thunderstorm".
Thank God nothing like that happened. Although there was a tornado touchdown apparently in Silver Springs, about an hour and a half away from Fallon, and the direction of the thunderstorm changed towards Northeast.
I know it's kind of fun see an action, like seeing Twister.
But that's what Netflix is for. : )
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
I hate my layout but I have no time to fix it.
I'm on the verge of just shutting this stupid blog down out of frustration.
My template is a freakin' mess!!!
I reverted my template to classic just to try this rounded blue template and when I went back to the xml layout (with my "REAL" template), I can't recover it no more.
I am pissed.
Like really pissed.
Alone. Lonely. Sad.
Scared. Anxious. Worried.
Courage is nowhere to be found.
Nobody to talk to. Nobody to share.
No more tears to cry.
No more aches to feel.
Stuck in a place of darkness,
an island called loneliness.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
1 comment(s)
Labels poetic emos, talking in riddles
Hahaha. Make sure you're not too busy to read this...
Take that, biatch!
So, I was making an Iced Venti Green Tea Latte for a customer.
I forgot how to mark the cup so I looked it up on our beverage flash cards and while I was at it, I also looked up the step on how to make it because I knew I already looked it up once before and I just had to verify. (that's the OCD in me)
As I was on the very last part of making the drink, which is putting the matcha powder in the cup, a dearly beloved workmate tried to grab the cup from my hand saying, "No. That's not how you do it!".
In front of the customer!!!
I know I was on the right so I didn't give her the drink, told her that I know this is how you make it the Starbucks way, and told her to read the goddamn manual.
Ha! That set her straight. She didn't say anything after that.
See, it's one thing for her to correct me, but it's another thing for her to appear like she knows everything WITHOUT really knowing everything. What makes the matter worst is when she does it in front of the customer, for crying out loud.
And what's up with you grabbing the drink away from my hand?!??
What do you think I am, a 4-year old?!?!?! Hellooooooo!!!!
And this isn't the first time she did this to me.
The first time was when a customer ordered a Venti Vanilla Bean Frappuccino, Affogato style. Yes, I remember it because of the horrible thing she did to me.
As she was handing out the drink to the customers, they said they wanted it Affogato style, meaning, the shots aren't supposed to be blended.
You know what she did? She told them, "Oh she didn't know, she's still new" (meaning me, of course).
I stood there, with this thought racing in my head, "WTF?!?! I didn't make the drinks, you did. How dare you put the blame on me just because I'm new?????".
And the second time was when she was on the drive through handing out a drink to the customer, while I was on the front counter making a tea for another customer.
You know what she did? She poked her nose on my business directing me across the counter to put two tea bags in the cup. I told her, yes it's two tea bags and yes, I know.
I mean, doesn't she know that I went through the same training as she did? No, she wasn't being helpful at all, because once again, she was throwing out stupid instructions in front of the customers, making it appear like I'm so stupid.
The third time happened today, prior to the Green Tea incident. I was on my break. I wanted to get me some Tall Blended Lemonade.
Seriously, you should try it, it's insanely addicting.
Anyway, she asked me, "So, how do you say it?". She meant, the proper drink call. I replied, "Uh, Tall Blended Lemonade.". I was so tempted to say, "Duh." but I held back.
She said, "No. It's Blended Lemonade Creme".
I was like, "No, it isn't".
She insisted, "You fill it with lemonade and cream base".
I nearly laugh, "Oh no, you don't. That would probably taste like crap!!!".
Then here's the most hilarious part, "Oh well, I've seen OTHER people do it with cream base. I've seen them do it yesterday".
Another workmate of mine then said, "Maybe those people you thought you've seen adding cream base to it, were NOT really adding cream base to it".
Silence. She shut up. Finally.
And I just couldn't resist to point out her booboo, so I said, "Oh, please use the Non Dairy pitcher to avoid cross contamination". And thank God, she did without any further argument.
Honestly, I really don't know if she's just overcompensating. Or over micro-managing. Or doesn't trust me at all, because I've only been working 4 months. Or she's just an insufferable know-it-all. Or she just wants everybody to know that she knows everything and she's in charge but I don't care.
I can't stand your style of coaching or reinforcing information. It's NOT cool at all. I've seen other supervisors do it in a very subtle and not offensive way. Take a page from their book.
If you see me doing something wrong, pull me aside, let me know and I'll thank you.
Don't engage me in public. Don't humiliate me, because chances are, it's going back on you.
I mean, specially, if you really don't know what you're doing.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Labels barista stories, rants
Next time, I'll bring earplugs with me
I hate gossip and what I hate most about it is when I fall for it.
Case in point, I was covering a shift for a workmate because of some urgent family matters on her end. I wasn't planning to go to work that day but out of concern and in good spirits, I did it so my workmate could take care of whatever hooplas are going on.
I got to work and heard this ridiculous story which I bought (yeah, I know I could have been smarter than that), that my workmate is such a liar and that there's always a family emergency every week and this person had to miss work and (get this) that he/she just might be banging someone else.
At that point, I felt like I've been had. I felt like somebody used me and my free time so he/she can just do whatever he/she feels like doing.
It really pissed me off.
I told Ger about it and he says it sounds so gossip-y. I ignored it. I was pissed, after all.
Just this afternoon, I walked in the store and this workmate gave me a very sincere hug. Thanking me for covering the shift because if it hadn't worked out that way, things could have gotten worst on that family emergency she had to attend to.
For five minutes, I felt like sh!t. I felt like I have been so judgmental and I felt like I'm just one of those gossip mongers. I hated that feeling. I hate the guilt that's creeping inside of me.
It turns out, I've really been had. But by the wrong person.
Yes, I really hate gossip.
Friday, July 11, 2008
1 comment(s)
Labels barista stories, talking in riddles
I knew there was a bigger reason for camera phones
So, I was at work, as early as 5:00am (opening shift).
I took an order from a drive thru customer and afterwards, I went back to setting up the pastry case.
For sanitary purposes (and a whole lot of common sense), we use gloves for pastries.
As I was putting my gloves on, I saw something that made my day and made me and Nikki laugh so hard. It was a like "Good F*ckin' Morning Sunshine" greeting.

Of course, I knew I had to whip out my cellphone & Nikki did too. It was just too cool to pass on a great photo op!

Saturday, July 05, 2008
1 comment(s)
Labels barista stories
bringing the old layout back
because I feel like it.
i hate it when things fall apart and you've got nobody here to count on...
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Labels blues
so this is life...
We just got back in Fallon from the very excruciating 2-week trip in California. I wish I could call it a vacation but the stress level was so intense (and still is) that it is waaaay hell-ish of a time for a vacation.
So we got home at 3:00am. I didn't go to sleep until 5:00am. Had to wake up and get ready for work.
I basically felt like I was floating while I was at work. It was so insane it wasn't even funny.
Plus, we just received bad news at work today. It's totally scary but I'm not sure yet so I can't divulge any specific information.
It seems like it's going downhill. I don't know what else to expect and what else is going to happen but I'm bracing myself for anything stinky thrown at me.